Our volunteering

Our volunteering

The volunteers of Puente de Esperanza are sensitive to the reality of immigrants and of any person who is in a situation of vulnerability.

We jointly seek to be able to respond to these adverse living conditions, going to the root of the causes that provoke them and fighting for a transformation of social structures, which generate integration and equal opportunities.
Our commitment is firm and born from the depths of our convictions. This leads us to be critical of our work and to want to improve the way we do it. For this reason, in our Association, we give a preferential place to training.

The volunteers work as a team, we value mutual help, the exchange of ideas, the encounter between us. Being tolerant and welcoming people in our relationship generates attitudes that go beyond our task. "Volunteering is a proposal for humanization, a proposal to explore fuller ways of life" (Luis Aranguren).

The diversity of nationalities of our volunteers is a testimony that expresses the possibility of welcoming the difference of the other, of working together against a system that, many times, discriminates against people for reasons of race, religion, nationality or sex.
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